Black Fields Calvary Church
White Fields Calvary Church


White Fields Kids

Jesus is Real

The heart of White Fields Kids Church is to provide our kids with the whole counsel of God’s word in a fun, hands-on environment. Children learn about Jesus through games, music, and art. We are passionate about serving our kids by loving them and discipling them to love Jesus and others above all things.

Nursery Ages 6mths-2yrs

We have the nursery set up in the school library for each service.

Pre-K Ages 3-4

Our little ones learn bible stories and are shown the love of God through a variety of activities. We pray that these children will experience Jesus tugging at their hearts.

Kids Church Grades K-5

Games, art, music—all aimed to teach our kids the whole counsel of scripture. Kids learn that Jesus can use them for His kingdom, even at a young age!

Flex Discipleship Grades 6

This Sunday morning class engages kids in the foundations of the faith and apologetics.

White Fields Youth

GRADES 7-12: It is our desire to encourage, equip, and strengthen our youth to grow in an understanding of their Creator and Saviour. Our teenagers spend time in God’s word and develop life-long relationships giving them a unique support system. We want our youth to be bold with the gospel to reach out to this world in love and authenticity. Youth meet several times a month at Airdrie Christian Academy for games as well as a variety of other awesome activities. We also have small group nights when the boys and girls meet separately for bible study and fellowship together. Please see our events calendar for dates!

Young Adults

For young men and ladies between the ages of 18 – 30: There are several reasons why think it’s ultra-important that our young adults make it intentional to be together. 1) for relationship/connection, 2) growing in God’s Word together, 3) discovering that actual life is in Jesus and 4) relationship/connection.

Younger adults, college and career, 20 somethings,…whatever you call yourself you need to join us on Tuesday evenings. We talk about real life, get into the scriptures, and have a lot of fun together. This is an incredible opportunity to develop some amazing relationships and to see that you are not alone on this journey in life with Jesus.

We meet Tuesday night from 6:30 to 8:30 PM Contact us to connect and get location details.

Body Life Groups

Life in the Body of Christ exists within the context of relationships. Church life is not just an activity we do each Sunday morning but an ongoing lifestyle that is lived out with one another. It is our conviction at White Fields that this is not a methodology, but an overflowing of the Spirit, at work in the lives of all believers, as we love, serve, and minister to one another.

Body Life groups are one way we pursue ongoing fellowship throughout the week. We commit to meet together for the purpose of worship, Bible Study, and exercising spiritual gifts to edify and build up one another.

We meet in homes throughout Airdrie and the surrounding areas several times throughout the week. Wherever you live or whatever day you have available, there is a group for you to join.

Please contact for more information.

Sword & Trowel Men's Ministry

At White Fields, it is our desire that men be discipled and given opportunities to serve and use their gifts for building up of the saints. To this end, we have weekly morning prayer, breakfast fellowships, bible studies and other events that unite men in the upward calling to make Jesus Lord of their lives and to stand firmly in His grace.

Please see our church calendar for a full list of dates and times. If you have further questions please contact

One Thing Ladies' Ministry

The Ladies Ministry at White Fields is built upon the love of Jesus that heals, strengthens and grows those who call upon His Name.

Our Ladies Ministry wants to nurture this by hosting regular bible studies, prayer gatherings, and breakfast fellowships where women can encourage each other in the strength and love of our Lord.

Please see our church calendar for a full list of dates and times. If you have further questions please contact


Our prayer is that a lifestyle of musical worship would be our natural response to knowing who God is through His word. Our worship of God may be expressed in many forms. Throughout scripture, God consistently expresses His desire for us to sing His praises through music and song.

We see music as an integral part of our worship of God and our proclamation of Jesus. Thus, we focus on songs that declare biblical truth which in turn stirs our hearts to a spiritual, intellectual and emotional response to the work of Christ in our lives. The music at White Fields isn’t just filler on Sunday mornings before a sermon. It is essential for our spiritual health. Worship of Jesus should be our greatest desire!

Musicians, singers, worshipers –  If you would like to join us this is an amazing way to get connected and to use your gifts and talents for the edification of the Body.

START! Study for New Believers 

START is a study that gets down to the basics of the Christian faith. It’s for helping those who are young or new on this journey to build a strong foundation. It’s also a helpful environment for those who are simply inquiring about Christianity and the claims of Christ.

Calvary Next - School of Ministry

A year-long discipleship ministry committed to guiding believers to grow in their walk with Jesus, to serve one another in the Spirit, and to understand their place in the Body of Christ.

Care & Connect

Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.“ Romans 12:13 (ESV)

Care & Connect is caring for (providing homemade or bought meals, house cleaning) and connecting with (reaching out with a phone call, a card of encouragement, a bouquet of flowers) those who are ill or injured, have a new baby, or have had a death in the family. Anyone who wishes to receive from or serve by preparing an occasional meal to give or to donate to the Care & Connect fund please contact Michelle at for more details.

Phone: (587) 997-4886


White Fields Ministry Centre and Office
272108 Range Rd 291 NE
Airdrie, AB, T4A 2V7

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